Frequently asked questions
The main events will take place at the convinience of your (holiday) home. If this is not an option reach out and Kim will suggest some local bars this even could be held in. (prices will differ)
The price includes workshops between Undersåker and Duved, including Björnen. If you want events on any other location: just write a message!
You will need:
- Access to a kitchen with running water and a sink
- Alcohol (you will receive a shopping list)
- Glasses (no worry, cheap IKEA glasses work for most things)
- A freezer (for ice) (Let Kim know if this is not the case, she can bring a freezer box). -
Kim will bring everything you need for a cocktail, except for alcohol and water. This includes (but differs per workshop):
Sugar syrup
Lemon and/or lime juice
Herbs (like basil or mint)
Recipes (for you to keep)

"Cocktails, like dreams, are made of the spirit stuff."
— Danny Meyer